EWS is a package of open source applications configured for instant web publishing or development.
In a near future, EWS will have the ability to auto update his components directly from component web sites.
It was made first for WDScript but i think it can be helpful for most of PHP developers too.EWS is a package of open source applications configured for instant web publishing or development.
In a near future, EWS will have the ability to auto update his components directly from component web sites.
EWS is an configured package with Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2 like some others but has some others features :
Apache and MySQL could be started in Desktop mode (and also in service mode).
It contains also eAccelerator and XDebug php modules.
Instant Access to config files.
Virtual Disk Letter for Group Developpement (same letter is possible with sharing) and moveability.
Simple and Windows Frendly.
It contains also the new WDScript (FastCGI) from the same author, which is a french/english new language from PCSoft.